The Bitchy Blonde Blog

03 August 2005

Bring it on, said Chickenhawk Shrub. More Fear Factor, says the American public

Today's bitchometer rating: 5 -- bitch going nuclear

Hooo boy! The Big Desert Blood Party's still a'rockin, ain't it?

Fourteen marines and a civilian interpreter got blown away today by a roadside bomb in Iraq. That's 43 troops in the last 10 days, dead in the service of the Kabal's nefarious cause. We're quickly approaching 1900, gals and guys, and that doesn't even take into account civilians, soldiers from other countries, and colonialist employees...oops, I mean civilian contractors.

And a journalist was found shot to death, bringing the total number of media employees killed to 64. Ah well. Screw them anyway, goddamned liberal troublemakers. All they ever do is stir the shit anyway. Bad for morale, don't ya know? Maybe if the numbers keep rising, those reporters will finally go back to the U.S. where they belong and let the PENTAGON tell us what's really going on. Yup, that's what we need. An even more centralized, authoritarian news source. The government knows what's best for us anyway, right?

Not that red-blooded America is getting anything close to news anyway. What passes for "media" is too busy "reporting" on the creationism-in-schools debate, the Natalee Holloway story, and the nonlethal plane crash in Toronto. What the hell happened to KKKarl? Where's the debate over the Bolton appointment? Bush couldn't get his way by consensus, so Little Lord Pissypants (thank you, unremembered member of DU, for that lovely lovely nickname) just did what the fuck he wanted to do anyway. Are we now eliminating even the appearance of dissent? Oh, and the Iraq thing? I guess the MSM has decided the public's tired of that old story, and numbers don't mean anything, right? WMDs? So last year's news.

So they'll continue to find a teacher sex scandal to cover ad nauseum, or a missing pregnant (white) woman...that'll keep us distracted from all that boring stuff. You know, like how our civil liberties are being stripped away from us while we gape at the latest Fear Factor or Holloway/Smart/Peterson drama. Or how Idiot Boy and his crew are installing their fascist regime, post by post, appointment by appointment.

Well, I guess I'm almost to the point where I'd like to say, "Bring it on." Bring on your Naziesque regime, bleed the barely-existent middle class dry, take away control over our own bodies and movements. Suppress dissent until you can't even hear a whisper of complaint anymore. Bring it on, and we'll deserve it if we don't stop it now. Everyone who voted for ShrubCo, everyone who didn't vote at all, and everyone who didn't say a goddamned thing, who just bent over or got on their asked for it, and you'll get what you asked for. I just wish you hadn't dragged the rest of us with you. I never asked for this, but I'm gonna get it up the ass just like those of you who did.

So fuck you, with your W stickers and the monstrosities you drive. Fuck you and your hateful homophobia, racism, and plain old willful ignorance. It'll at least be some comfort to see some of you suffering along with the rest of us, and everyone (you included) will know that you're the ones to blame. But you'll never admit it, will you? That's another thing you fundigelicals, you rednecks, you lily-white greedmonsters all have in common with each other and with your Fuerher and his crew.